Scaling Plans of Different Prop Firms

Proprietary trading firms, also known as “prop firms,” are companies that provide funding to traders to engage in trading activities on their behalf. These firms can range in size, organizational structure, and trading approaches, with one fundamental aspect that distinguishes them from one another being their scaling plans. Scaling plans are essential strategies used by prop firms to allocate capital to traders and determine how to expand or contract their trading capital. These plans can vary significantly depending on the firm’s goals and the level of risk they are willing to undertake. 

Scaling Strategies for Various Property Firms

Scaling Plans may be broken down into one of these four categories. Let’s look at each of them separately and determine which production company owns them. 

Plan with a Stable Gradient

The maximum amount that a trader may scale up to under a fixed scaling plan is determined only by the amount of profit they earn on their funded account. This maximum amount does not change independent of any other factors. This scaling strategy is used by E8 Funding(E8 Account/E8 Track, not ELEV8, since it is distinct from the former). After each trading session, traders can submit a request for their profit share. The company will hand over to you eighty percent of the earnings that you have made and will add the amount that was in your account before the withdrawal so that the total value of your account is increased.

Traders benefit from this plan’s consistency and predictability since they are aware of the exact amount of scaling and profit they have available to them at any given time. Because they won’t be vulnerable to significant shifts in capital, it may also assist traders in managing risk more efficiently and reduce their exposure to it.

A defined scaling plan may, on the other hand, restrict the possibility for traders to expand their capital if they routinely beat their original allocation. This is a disadvantage of using a fixed scaling plan.

Understanding the different scaling plans employed by prop firms is crucial for traders looking to partner with these firms. It is essential to understand the level of risk involved in each plan and how it can impact the trader’s performance. By doing so, traders can choose a prop firm that aligns with their trading goals and risk tolerance.

Plan for Allocating Resources Based on Performance

The trader’s initial capital allocation and subsequent capital are both subject to the performance-based scaling plan, which is dependent on the trader’s overall trading performance. Traders who continuously show profitability and trading techniques that involve a low level of risk are rewarded with increases in their trading capital. This particular form of Scaling Plan is included in my Forex Funds Evaluation Program.

Because successful traders would have access to greater sums of wealth under this approach, traders will be incentivized to perform to the best of their abilities. In addition to this, it encourages traders to employ disciplined trading procedures and risk management. However, performance-based scaling strategies might be difficult to implement for traders who are already experiencing drawdowns or loss spells.

Stratified Approach to Scaling

The tiered pricing plan incorporates aspects of both the fixed pricing plan and the performance-based pricing plan. Traders begin with a predetermined amount of initial fixed money, and as they demonstrate their ability to consistently make profitable trades, they progress up the tiers and receive access to more substantial sums of cash. The 5% Hyper-Growth uses this Scaling Plan to grow their business. (Since it is based on levels, which you qualify for when you hit a certain profit objective) “Because it is based on levels”

This strategy finds a balance between the potential for expansion and the maintenance of stability. It gives traders the opportunity, to begin with a stable foundation and then progressively expand their allocations as they demonstrate their competence.

The problem with the tiered scaling model is that traders may feel compelled to reach performance criteria to constantly progress to higher tiers. It has the potential to provide a stressful atmosphere, and some traders may need assistance to advance, even if they can be successful.

Organized in Steps Scaling Plan

The tiered scaling plan incorporates aspects of both fixed and performance-based plans into its structure. Traders begin with a predetermined amount of starting money, and as they progress through the levels of the trading platform and demonstrate their proficiency, they are promoted to higher tiers and given access to larger sums of starting capital. This Scaling Plan is implemented by the 5% hypergrowth. (Given that it is dependent on tiers, for which you are only eligible after reaching a certain profit goal)

This strategy creates a balance between secure foundations and room for expansion. It allows traders to begin their careers with a solid foundation and subsequently expand their allocations as they demonstrate their competence.

The potential for traders to feel compelled to reach performance criteria to progress to higher tiers continuously is a hurdle for the tiered scaling approach. This may provide a stressful atmosphere, and even those traders who have the potential for success may need assistance to advance.

A Risk-Adjusted Scaling Plan is as follows:

A risk-adjusted scaling plan is a way that proprietary trading businesses use to distribute trading capital to traders based not only on profitability but also on risk-adjusted returns. This approach was developed to address the fact that profitability alone is not enough to determine a trader’s worth. When it comes to conventional trading, profitability by itself may be enough to encourage traders to take unnecessary risks to maximize their gains. Managing risk, on the other hand, is just as crucial, if not more so, in a business that specializes in prop trading.

This issue is addressed by the risk-adjusted scaling plan, which examines a trader’s performance in proportion to the amount of risk they are willing to take. This method takes into consideration a variety of risk elements in addition to just looking at the raw profit statistics. These risk factors include drawdown, volatility, and possible loss scenarios. Its purpose is to prevent traders from being rewarded for making gains merely as a result of using trading tactics that are high-risk and aggressive.

Limit of the Trailing Drawdown:

The trailing drawdown limit is an essential component of risk-adjusted scaling strategies. This implies that when the size of a trader’s account rises, the company will continue to monitor and evaluate the trader’s exposure to risk in a consistent manner. The scaling plan may suspend or restrict the allocation of further capital if a trader’s account has a drawdown (a fall in account balance from its peak) that exceeds a specific specified limit. A drawdown is defined as a decline in account balance from its peak. This is a technique that prevents traders from amassing substantial losses and going beyond the level of risk that the company is willing to take.


  • Promotes Responsible Risk Management: 

Traders are incentivized to prioritize risk management and prudent trading via the use of risk-adjusted scaling plans. This results in more sustainable and reliable methods of doing business.

  • Consistency with Unwavering Objectives: 

The strategy makes sure that the objectives of the traders are in line with the risk tolerance and profitability goals of the company by emphasizing risk-adjusted returns.

  • Reduces the Need to Take Unnecessary Risks: 

Traders are dissuaded from taking excessive risks in the hopes of increasing their earnings since doing so may result in drawdowns that restrict the possibilities for developing their businesses.

Disadvantages –

  • A complex matter: 

The implementation of a risk-adjusted scaling strategy may be complicated. To guarantee that traders’ risk levels stay within acceptable parameters, it is necessary to use sophisticated models of risk assessment, conduct data analysis, and maintain continual monitoring.

  • Understanding of the Traders: 

Because it may be difficult for traders to completely comprehend how their risk-adjusted returns are computed, companies need to give transparent explanations of the process as well as education on the topic.

  • Evaluating One’s Performance: 

Evaluation of performance may be made more complex by using risk-adjusted scaling plans. It is not only a matter of making a profit or a loss; rather, it is a matter of how well traders manage risk.

The Bottom Line

Risk-adjusted scaling plans play a crucial role in the successful operations of proprietary trading firms. These plans provide a framework for traders to execute their trades in a measured and calculated manner, taking into account the inherent risks associated with each trade. By implementing a sound scaling strategy, traders can effectively manage their exposure to risk while maximizing their potential for profits.

In addition to promoting responsible trading practices, risk-adjusted scaling plans also contribute to the overall stability of traders’ accounts. By aligning the size of each trade with the level of risk involved, traders can avoid overexposure and minimize the impact of any potential losses.

Furthermore, scaling plans help traders strike a balance between profitability and risk management. By factoring in the level of risk associated with each trade, traders can make informed decisions about which trades to pursue and which to avoid. This can lead to more consistent profits over the long term.

Traders need to have a thorough understanding of the scaling strategy employed by the proprietary trading firm they work with. By doing so, they can align their methods with the objectives of the firm and maximize their trading potential. Ultimately, a well-designed scaling plan can be a powerful tool for achieving success in the competitive world of proprietary trading.

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